Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Jam of Shenanigans

Behold! This is an inside peek into what may or may not go on during The Neighbors Practice sessions. It is also an excellent example of why you shouldn't hand the camera over to your roommates when you are trying to make a SERIOUS MUSICAL DOCUMENTARY!! The resulting shenanigans are quite humorous however.

Points to notice:

Superb Ebow usage

Delay looping effect on the GNX pedal

Melodic arpeggio hits on the Edrums

Jim's Keyboard is not a stable place to put a camcorder.


CG said...

haha- awesome. I want to hear you guys play sometime! I love your blog. keep it coming!

I am a DJ at Ohio.fm and we are trying to get local bands to promote. We also want to play local music on the air. Let me know if you're interested!